
How to Get That Perfect Big Booty in Just 20 Minutes a Day

Are you looking for new ways to change the way your butt looks? Are you tired of a flat, saggy, and flabby butt? If so, then there are some things you can do to get a bigger, rounder, toner and all around nicer butt, without the need for expensive, uncomfortable surgeries or dangerous medications.

By doing the right butt-building exercises, you will likely be surprised at how easy, safe, natural and effective methods are proven to work just as well, if not better than plastic or cosmetic surgery.

Read on to learn more about some of the best butt workouts you can do each day to finally get the perfect booty you’ve always wanted.

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Squats – When people think of the first butt-building workout that comes to mind, it is often squats, and all of their variations. Doing squats are one of the most common and popular workouts to help tone and build muscle in the butt.

In order to avoid squat exercises becoming boring or repetitive, you can easily jazz them up by incorporating handheld weights, doing a variation of squats (such as single-leg squats, squat kickbacks or jump squats) or even switching them with another butt-building exercise, such as another butt workout mentioned below.

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Lunges – Lunges are another butt-building workout that not only targets the butt, but also in toning the thighs and hips. Be sure to alternate legs with each lunge, and do at least three sets of 15 to 20 reps.

Furthermore, lunges are an excellent way to work the glutes, and if you do them in different variations, such as jumping and switching legs in mid-air, this can also be a way to strengthen your core, balance, and concentration, all while helping you to build the perfect booty.

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Jumping Jacks – Before you laugh, jumping jacks are a great way to get your heart rate up to warm up before beginning any workout, but they can also help tone the hips and glutes.

By doing a minimum of 40 jumping jacks at least three times—you’ll surely feel the burn tomorrow!

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Donkey Kicks and Kickbacks – This is another butt-building workout that is very common and easy to do anywhere—even at home. This workout is also featured in many Brazilian butt lift workouts, and is very effective in burning hip fat, shrinking your waistline, and getting the perfect booty.

Doing this exercise is very simple, and is very effective when alternating between squats, jumping jacks, and other butt-building exercises.

Be sure to repeat this exercise at least three times, and do a minimum of 12 to 15 reps before switching legs.

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Hip-Lift Extensions – This butt-building exercise is a bit tougher, but once you get past the burn and the sweat, it is one of the best butt and hip exercises to burn fat and tone the butt. It can also help relieve tension in your lower back.

The key thing to remember when doing this exercise is to remember to squeeze your glutes and hamstrings during each “lift”. Be sure to do this exercise for at least 60 seconds, with 30 seconds on each leg before alternating legs.

There you have it. By doing these exercises, alternating each and completing full sets, for at least 15 to 20 minutes each day, you will begin to notice results in just a few short weeks, but you will begin to feel the fruits of your labor and the burn as early as tomorrow.

So if you have a beach trip planned or you want to fit into your brand new pair of jeans or dress for your birthday bash, start doing these butt-building exercises today.

In addition to performing some of these butt-building exercises on a daily and regular basis, you can also use a butt enhancement cream, such as Booty Perfect.

[amazon box="B01GSIJFCQ" title="Booty Perfect | Butt Enhancement Cream" image_size="large"]

  • Apply it to stimulate fat cells to become larger and denser..
  • 100% Risk Free Guarantee.
  • Produced in an FDA Licensed Facility.
  • 60 Day Supply when applied twice daily.
  • Use With Booty Perfect Enhancement Pills & Get Maximum Results.


Booty Perfect is a 100% safe and natural cream that resembles a lotion that is designed to not only make the skin smoother and softer and improve the overall tone, its natural collagen-boosting elements make it an easy choice for many women who want to boost their booties.

Booty Perfect also has no harmful or dangerous side effects reported. They have also butt pills for those who do not like creams.

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